Friday, September 6, 2013

Creating Change and Understanding Your Patterns.

Welcome back folks.

Once upon a time, I did a lot of sitting, drinking coffee, and listening to Orval LookingHorse speak to my class about genetic history. The stuff that is deeply embedded into our dna that can express itself as past life memory, collective subconscious, or just that thing that you KNOW happened or KNOW how to do because it is as natural to you as breathing.  One of the things that Mr LookingHorse and his wife spoke to us about was studies that were done on schools of small fish. An electrical current was passes through the water at one end of the tank. Four generations later, the offspring of that surviving school would not go to the end of the tank where the genocide occurred.

When we examine the motivation behind why we do things, sometimes it is as simple as that's the way its always been. Each spring and each fall, I NEED to have the windows and doors of my house open for a full 24 to 48 hours as a sort of wind cleansing.  The more blustery the day the better. It is not something I learned in a book. When my Grandma M first saw me do it and light incense afterwards she said, my mom use to do that all the time.  I would like to think that I open those doors and windows from genetic memory than anything I have observed. It is a tempting trap. But what about less benign behaviors like bullying, oppression, and dehumanization?

I remember that we use to visit a log cabin in Ponca State Park with my great grandpa. The cabin was the site of the first Indian massacre of white people. The acknowledge story being that Indians came one day and killed the women and children that were home and waited for the husband and men to return and killed them too.  Savage Indians brutally shedding innocent blood.  However, maybe they weren't so innocent.

I once asked great grandpa why this was of interest to him.  He liked history and collected bullets. He also liked collecting stories. He spoke to the old ones who remembered the events when he was much younger. He said what the state history left out was that the Old Man and his sons use to shoot the Indian women and children from across the riverbank like it was a game. The Indians were retaliating against the innocent slaughter of their people.

Something to contemplate.

We have a strong push in our society to stop bullying and senseless acts of violence. Being a survivor of bully's for most of my life and striving for a more compassionate society I totally support this cultural change.
Redemption then becomes not just  spiritual issue but fighting against the patterns that are hardwired into us. A sort of rewriting of the code for you software folks out there.  It does require choosing to be conscious about what you are doing and not just being reactive. Positive results are possible.

If you told me four years ago I would be fairly secure in a job I actually liked, even when I was stressed out I would tell you that you were wrong. However, I am. I made a choice to stop running from my own bad behaviors and be less reactionary. I hate to sit and think things through it does not come naturally but it is coming and it is producing results. True transformation can never be about wishful thinking. Our natural coding forbids it. However, it does happen when we surrender our ego and are willing to see what we want to be and forge ahead with those changes not matter how much it may not seem logical. We have to have patience. We have to have faith. We have to have the tenacity to never give up and to see it through to the end.

Blessed Be.

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