Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring comes to Minnesota in time for Beltane and the start of summer!

Last friday we saw what will hopefully be out last big snow fall of the year.

The exciting news is that the Leaky Cauldron is not leaking. My front porch and back deck are clear of snow. Once the rain stops, I will be able to start having my morning cuppa outside again.

Tinkerbell, my cat couldn't be happier. We have both been discovering that we have a fairly active frog population behind the barn. The swallows, wrens, and mallards have been active too. It is interesting to have some new totems for the property show up. Rabit, raven and squirel have all been active this winter along with the neighborhood stray cats and dogs.

I have started some rosemary plants for the front gate. This weekend I will start my wormwood, mugwort and hyssop seeds indoors. (For those not in this climate, we don't really plant outside until late May.)

Life, in a word is very much happy! Next post may even include some picturesof the various happenings around the trailer:)