Thursday, February 27, 2014

Impatiently waiting for the thaw...

Its hard to believe that the spring equinox is around the corner. Hard to believe since in the frozen tundra we have feet of snow still. My hot water pipes are frozen again and we get positively giddy when we reach any number above 0.  However, I am assured there are signs of spring.

As the Lord and Lady have given birth to the divine child, we have the sale of girl scout cookies. The basketball season is slowly turning towards playoffs. The stores are full of the weird cross over of St. Patrick's Day and Easter/Ostara decorations.

So, I have hope that once again I will see green instead of white outside my front door. Eventually I will get to have coffee on my deck and contemplate life, the universe, and everything.

As assuredly as those girl scout cookies aren't going to eat themselves, spring will get here and we will be warm again.