Friday, August 23, 2013

Intent, Faith, and Patience...

I am writing more because I need to remind myself of what I know. Magic really boils down to the belief that we can change our circumstances and ourselves. Our coven focuses on being a transformation based coven. Meaning that while others may focus on healing, hexing etc... we are primarialy focused on changing ourselves before we expect to see changes in the outside world. With that, intent or focus on your desired change but must be followed up with real world work. You also have to have faith that the desired change will come about and patience knowing that the universe very rarely works on the instant oatmeal timing of this day and age. It is way too easy to get discouraged because something is moving slower than expected but that doesn't mean the universe isn't working in the background to bring about your dreams and visions. Have faith, and as my pastor father in law says, Patience, jack ass, patience.... Blessed Be and courage to all those waiting for their vision to manifest.

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