Someone once defined forgiveness as the belief that the past could have been different and letting go of that belief.
Forgiveness is a deliberate act of compassion. Not so much for the other person or situation we are being offended by but for us, the individual letting go of the bitterness and hatred that has been build up over perceived or actual offenses.
There are a lot of issues that have lead me to choose to focus 2014 on the deliberate act of forgiveness. There is ritual and meditation involved for me to help remind me to let go. One of the tools I use is the tarot.
The tarot is its own mystery school with multiple systems for interpretation. I tend to use a key word or key phrase type of system for this work. It helps me to formulate questions for journal writing and ritual creation.
For this last week, I have been working through the first five cards of the major arcana: the fool, the magician, the high priestess, the empress, and the emperor.
The thing I find interesting is that all five of these cards reflect our sense of innocence connection with our personal power. Forgiveness on this level tends to focus on those that had us question our goddess given gifts and abilities. Forgiveness on this level, is not just about our parents, teachers, friends who had us second guess our talents but forgiving ourselves for not trusting what we knew to be true about ourselves. Intuition is a powerful for that way. It is not just about trusting what we are being told by "them" about the future but trusting what we believe about the future too.
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