Monday, January 6, 2014

Forgiveness and the Hierophant

It seems a little shallow to only focus a day on forgiveness issues and the Hierophant. The Hierophant is all about how organized religion, education and popular culture form our identiy and our views about outselves.

I don't know about you but I could spend years analysising how I was offended and hurt by organized religion let along school. Both experiences left something to be desired. But the exercise isn't so much about laying blame on other people but identifying the broken places and being willing to let go of the past and the dream that it could have been different. Even where the Church is concerned or our teacher from the 7th grade who didn't ahre our vision of world I mean peace.....

My point being, we all have things that we wish could have been different. If we live constnatly in the shadow of what should have been we blind ourselves to the possibilities that are and the future ibes that could be. The other interesting lesson in this is the following: we humans are prone to screw up by our very nature. We cannot possibly keep everyone's desires in focus, That type of demand is simply nerve wracking and crazy making. If we cannot find forgiveness for those in or out of power around us, we won't find it for ourselves. We can only find externally what we see internally.

I am not sure I will go through each card individually. It may focus more on the cards that I still struggle with ainterpreting.

Blessed Be.

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