Starhawk once said that all ritual is a chance for transformation as long as we allow it to be. One of the tools like I like using in my own transformation process of rebuilding my self esteem is a litany of previous successes.
If you want to be really spiritual about it you can cast circles and invoke whatever diety of choice you work with and burn your favorite incense.
The trick is being willing to deliberately invoke positive past experiences even when you aren’t feeling positive about your present. There are always times when you nailed a recipe, had someone befriend you or even fall in love with you, successfully cooked your favorite meal, achieved a fitness goal etc.
There are times I do go through the process of writing each success out and then when the ore challenging days of Not enough happen I pull out the paper or computer copy and remember what had been positive and remind myself that it will be positive again.
One of my other process that I like to use in addition to the positive litany is a mirror. I have always struggled with a positive self image. In Jambalaya Luisha TIesh offers a self esteem/blessing where you anoint each body part is anointed with your favorite scented oil and you say Thank you, my ________.
Much like learning to stay mindful when you first start meditating the biggest challenge is to recognize when you start to self hex yourself by going into the negative self image and pause long enough to do something different.
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