My challenge right now is finding that resiliency not just daily but moment to moment as well. Each hour has its challenges as does each doctors visit. My suspicion is that most of us go through this even though we choose not to talk about it.
At the depths of my bewilderment I wonder at the wisdom of the
for keeping me alive. A middle aged, not fertile woman who has lost her ability to take care of others physically and can barely take care of her self. But I think. I think a lot. Sometime about my cat sometimes about more seriously things like tonight's insomnia and trying to get through it. While it is temting to go on a poor me bent this has more to do with reminding me of what has helped in the past and hopefully helping someone else out there too.
1. Be okay with knowing you are not always going to have all the W's answered of Who, What, When,Where, Who< How and especially Why.
2. Meditate on the Heart Sutra. I realize its a Buddhist text but it is timeless truth. Form is Emptimess and Emptiness is form. Its not that the confusion and pain I am feeling isn't real its more that in the long run it doesn't matter. Its core is illusion.
3. Mindfulness meditation will reground you and can save your life. In Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better Pema Chodon recounts a meeting with her teacher where she felt her world was falling apart. They were meditating and he was about to leave without her being able to get the advice she needed. Long story short her guru told her that life is like the waves of the water. It ebbs and flows. It is our job to learn to walk in it and accept that we will get knocked down by those waves sometimes but we will also get back up again.
So I encourage myself and any of you needing it that like the ebb and flow of the water there will be good moments and there will be not so good moments but they are only moments. This too will pass.
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