I love the art and science of divination. Sitting down with myself or with a client and throwing tarot is perhaps my absolute favorite form of divination even though I am fluent in several.
I have a confession to make though. I find trying to have a reading as purely clairvoyent murky and more akin to storytelling than actually helping out a client. Its a fallback from my chemical dependency counseling days. I tend to rely on the story they are telling me on their behaviors and their desire to change a situation to actively and more accurately divine their future for lack of a better word.
Tarot cards are useful because they are a sort of universal language. Its a jumping board for a discussion on what is happening in the client's life or your own life. At any point in time you will experience any number of combination of the cards.
Behavioral prediction is more based off of the pattern that is actively developed by the person or group involved and what they are doing to support that change. As someone once said, "You have to plant watermelon seeds in order for watermelon to grow."
In a reading when someone asks about falling in love with Mr Right or Mr Right now, or finding that perfectly tailored job I go through what they cards show but I also follow that up with questions about what they are doing to support their desire.
No matter how much I may want that romantic date with Anson Mount, the reality is I do not run in the types of circles he runs in. I am not even sure he is polyamorus or would be open to such an arrangement. So realistic expectation? Not really, unless he starts working at the U of M or hanging out at CONvergence. However, it is reasonable to expect to meet someone with similar qualities who is open to the arrangements our little happy crew has. Even with jobs, unless you are clear with yourself on what you want and are being open to possibilites, you won't get it. Very rarely do those types of wishes just land in your lap.
Not to suck the mysticism out of divination or magick but the universe is still a very practical place based on action.
With that, I will be writing about the upcoming holiday of Mabon and some deeper cosmology thoughts.
Blessed Be Gang.
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